Be a Shield | Protect Those You Care About by Learning CPR

Be A Shield Against Accidental Death

shield-graphic.svgDo you ever feel concerned that you wouldn’t be able to properly respond to a life threatening situation that called for CPR? You’re not alone. Over 70% of Americans feel they are not properly prepared to handle an emergency and life threatening situation such as choking, cardiac arrest, or pulmonary arrest (loss of breathing). If you haven’t reviewed CPR lately, now is the time. Because nearly 90% of the 380,000 cardiac related deaths happened at home, the life you save could be a life you love.

We encourage you to take just a few minutes to refresh and learn the latest CPR guidelines. This information is provided for free as part of our Be A Shield service in order to promote awareness of the proper technique and protocol in an emergency. Simply click through the sequence below and you will learn how to provide CPR to an Adult, Child and Infant. You’ll also learn how to conduct the Heimlich maneuver and how to identify and treat Heat Exhaustion.

After reviewing the five steps to effective CPR, we hope you download and display a Shield on your website, Pinterest, Twitter or Facebook page to encourage other family members and friends to review these steps. Build your confidence in yourself and those who mean the most to you, by knowing how to perform CPR in an emergency.

Ready to get started?

CPR Overview

CPR is the act of providing compressions and rescue breathing to a person suffering from a cardiac emergency. Many people incorrectly assume that breathing is the most important component of CPR. In 2010 the American Heart Association released updated guidelines for CPR placing a greater emphasis on compressions to maintain circulation. Throughout the CPR review you will learn how to check for a pulse, open an airway, give a rescue breath and how to deliver a chest compression. As you learn these steps, pay careful attention to the instructions for chest compressions. A key phrase to remember during chest compressions is to push hard and fast. Pushing hard and fast (100 compressions per minute) promotes better circulation by delivering effective compressions.

Safety Alert: Before starting CPR, rescuers should ensure that the scene is safe. This may include asking bystanders to control traffic or moving the victim farther away from a visible hazard, such as fire.

Step 1: Assess Responsiveness